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paul de preciado
judith butller

potestas : power as negative, restrictive , oppressive
potentia : afirmative , empowering


Subaltern_Gramsci ( Prison notebooks)

Subordination in the framewwork of capitalism _ Marx
era considerado neomarxista.
to be subordinated in the framework of capitalism.

Reflection On hegemony_Gramsci

Subaltern as an expression of the the experience and subjective condition of the subordinate, determined by a relation of domination - in Gramscian terms , of hegemony ( draft of a theory of subalternity_posterior)

relation between the subordinate and subaltern.

The subordinate classes always suffer from the initiative of the ruling class ,even when they revolt.

You are revolting against something , structures, decisions , etc.

Subaltern Studies Group:
Hindu historians trained in UK.
denied Vocies .

The edwars said reader
Frantz fanon alineation and freedom.
Bhabha. the location of culture.

Dilution of the identity ( Butler ??)
Que es la violencia ?

The possibility of an identity: having a name.

Impossiblity of recognizen the identity through the name.



no importa si soy hombre si soy mujer si puedo ser libre.
Idenity imposed by hegemonic culture.

dehumanizing the other

threat : amenaza
the notion of the other prented as a threat.

plataforma per caatalunya anuncio burka.

Audre Lorde. The master's tool will never dismantle the msater's house.
The master's house can never be demolished with the master's tools.

Gayatri Spivak
Influenced by: Foucault, Jaques Derrida,Edward Said.
Can the subaltern Speak?

Why the voices of the subaltern dont have voice?

instead oftry to give voice to some collective, lets analize why we cant hear the voices of the subaltern??

of course they have voice , but why we cant hear this voices?
or why we dont listen ?

Deleuze + Foucult : Epistemic violence

Episteme means knowledge.
knowledge making or knowledge production.

knowledge making and violence.

The clearest available example of such epistemic violence is the remotely
orchestrated, far-flung, and heterogeneous project to constitute the colonial
subject as Other.
This project is also the asymetrical obliteration of the trace
of that Other in its precarious Subjectivity. It is well known that Foucault
locates epistemic violence, a complete overhaul of the episteme, in the redefinition of sanity at the end of the European eighteenth century. But what if
that particular redefinition was only a part of the narrative of history in Europe
as well as in the colonies? What if the two projects of epistemic overhaul
worked as dislocated and unacknowledged parts of a vast two-handed engine?

dehumanism the other

Ius sanguinis

being recognize as a citizen.

Relational condition que seas subalterno o no depende.
a proper place of anunciation. a critical approach to this

hablar de feminismos en plural , porque hay varios tipos y algunos de ellos no incluyen a las personas trans.

transfeminismos , transgender conceptions.
para afirmar , remark i usarlo como paraguas para

butler fue cancelada .

bitch mutant manifesto

intersectionality became an analytic tool for looking /measuring at how diferent power structures interlink, function and impact on peoples.

Donna Haraway. Staying with the trouble. A class with

Symbiotic relationships

we are made in this relationships
semiotic material :

everything is not connected with everything but with something.

holobionts: symbiotic assemblages.

in interactions that can only be conceivedas competitive or cooperative.

intra-active: 2 individuos separados que interaccionan.
intra significa = between

no es between 2 entities es en el enviroinment.

el paratismo tambien es symbiotica. hay que hacer balance . no puedo matar a todos los parasitios del mundo pero si mi perro tiene muchos parasitos eso no es bueno.

sympoiesis: making with
always making ans always with
sym= with
poiesis= making
a word for worlding with company

living with
dying with

if we dont think about the death we dont think.

Thinking with the dead

acknowledge (agradecimiento)

staying because we cannot solve it.

no hay auntonomus entities

making oddkin: we have to add lo que no somos suficientemente conscientes.

been responsable about our relationships.

desde que situacion hablamos?

no hay solucion pero hay tasks

thinking with , but how do we think ?

and dying with

we need play and joy

we need trust

holdingthe unasked for patter in one's hands
this is what animals do.

response - ability

passion and action

the way we tell stories: being polite boing humble.

anthropocene= need to response

Holobionts= humans


making oddkin= task

staying with the trouble = problems to be solved.
